I will have to get another job at some stage, and hopefully it will be sooner rather than later, but my Uncle said to me...."Vic, I think it's time to get all of those knitting patterns done", so that is my goal for the remainder of the year.
I've been busy this week.....somehow it's managed to be full of pretty pastels.....don't know why, that's just how the wool ball has fallen and maybe it's a little bit mood based....feeling a little softer and lighter.....oh and hey, I've now managed to lose 10.5kg's or 23 pounds. It's been a tough struggle, but I have around 6 kilos to go I think, or if I want to get down to the weight I was in my late 20's..another 9.....she says laughing and oh so smuggly.
Finley is being proof read as we speak. All dependent on how things go, I think maybe releasing for sale this time next week.....just a bit of tweaking on the layout, and I do have to knit one more test hat, just to measure the amount of yarn that is needed, but hey, then we're good to go.
Hope your week hasn't been as drama filled as mine.
Vic x