Monday, 30 April 2012
Chevron blanket finished....and apologies I've lost my way with April photo a day....travelling back and forward between Kyneton and Melbourne I've lost days, forgotten my camera, forgotten my camera get the picture!!
Anyway, I'm totally in love with this I love chevron patterning.
Enjoy Vicki x
Friday, 27 April 2012
Cardigan Capers
12 months or so ago I started a cardigan for Anna over at Rummey was to be for her daughter Rosie who was one....well 12 months on it's finished and Rosie has just turned two, so a little frogging was involved. The cardigan has been knitted for a two year old, so it will fit!!
Anna came up with design and the colours of the cardigan herself, I just did the labour and covered the cost of the yarn. The cardigan was an exchange for Anna designing my dover & madden logo.
I am going to do a separate post on pricing, because it has been a while since I knitted a full garment....even child size and it really surprised me how long this item took.
Anyway I did take some pictures along the way.
The cardigan once sewn together was given a final blocking and then Ta Dah.....beautifully soft, and in a pefect shape ready to post and then ready for little Rosie to wear.
I can't wait to see Rosie wearing this.
Vicki x
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Day 26......Black & White
I've been knitting a cardigan for Rosie over at Rummey Bears....she's two, I hope it fits....and in keeping with April photo a Day and today's photo is black and white, you'll have to wait till tomorrow to see it in colour if you haven't already seen it on dover and madden's facebook page.
Vicki x
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Day 25......Looking Down
I was doing some work on this organic wool Granny Square blanket was an order to go out. I stood on the tallest chair and looked down on to the blanket and snapped this shot. I do love making blankets and I love how this blankets looks against the bright red kitchen table.
Vicki x
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Day 24....Something You're Grateful For.
I think in someway everyday we're all grateful for something, but I have left this post late in the day because tomorrow in Australia and New Zealand is Anzac Day. I think tomorrow every one in our country will be grateful for the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for so many others. Anzac Day marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
Lest we forget.
vicki x
Monday, 23 April 2012
Day 23.....Vegetable
April photo a day....Day 23.....Here is a tip for you all....don't take photos in the produce section of your local supermarket for these reasons.
1 People will stare
2 Brave people will ask you what you're doing
3 You will be spotted on the security cameras no doubt and then a message will be announced over the store intercom for security to produce.
4 Security will approach you for taking photos of produce
5 Security will then get quite serious as if you were taking photos of the crown jewels but at the end of the day you're only taking photos of capsicums and you will have to prove it.
6 You will be asked not to take photos in store....and your response should be "Damn, I was coming back tomorrow to take photos of your baked goods"
Needless to say I don't think I'll bother with Coles anymore....maybe they'll be more accommodating in Woolworths!!
Sunday, 22 April 2012
Day 22....The Last Thing I Bought.
The last thing I bought was some yarn yesterday to make this beauty. Picture is courtesy of Tangled Yarns so it's not mine, can't wait to make something for myself.
vicki x
Saturday, 21 April 2012
Day 21.....Bottles
Perfume bottles....I go in and out of favour with perfume. Annick Goutal perfume bottles are too beautiful to be discarded...I also love the fact that the scent lingers in them. Petite Chérie is my favourite.....Fruity, floral, musky, pear, peach, musky rose, fresh cut grass and vanilla.
vicki x
Friday, 20 April 2012
Day 20.....Something You Drew
April Photo A Day continues with something I drew. I have always loved to draw. I remember as a child drawing housing interiors, I was always amazed at the plans my Dad would bring home from work...he was a builder, thus I would spend hours drawing up my own plans. Funnily enough I used to draw up plans for houses I knew and loved off TV. The Brady Bunch house, Tony's house from I dream of Jeannie, and I always got a bit stumped with the Bewitched house, but I think I got it in the end.
My drawing did move on once I moved into High School. This is the first ever picture I drew looking at a model of some type. It was an old wicker chair that was put up on the table and we had to draw it from where we were sitting. I never got around to the shadow the chair cast. This picture was left in an art file that somehow my Aunt and Uncle got hold of...they went through it, found this drawing and had it framed. It now takes pride of place in their kitchen at's yellowed over the years, and I do often stare at it when I'm down there, it brings back a lot of happy high school memories. It was dated 20th September 1982, I was 14 years when I drew this....It's nearly 30 years old. I wonder if I'll ever get it back!!
vicki x
Thursday, 19 April 2012
I've spent the last 3 days about an hour out of Melbourne at my Aunt and Uncles property in Kyneton. I don't wander far from the place as I do go there specifically to work on dover & madden stuff and just to get away from the madness of Melbourne and take in the peace and quiet that country life brings.
I'll be heading back there on Monday and hopefully this time I can take in the Grace Kelly Exhibition at the Bendigo Art Gallery, drop into the Bendigo Woollen Mills and take in the Anzac Day Parade in the main street of Kyneton.
vicki x

Day 19.....Orange
Apologies as I didn't commit to yesterdays photo a day...the topic of "hair" didn't really inspire me.....but today is orange, and here is a collection of orangey items that I gathered up this morning.
vicki x
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Blanket Love
A new blanket that I made that sold within 5 minutes....some sort of record I believe. Just a circle pattern all made with the most delicious Australian organic merino wool....which unfortunately is now in short supply. The couple that make this yarn have closed their business. A big shame because I don't think there has ever been a yarn that I have used that is more beautiful than this. Never mind.
Day 17.....Something You Don't Like
Hanging your laundered sheets on the line only to find 5 minutes later a low flying bird has just crapped all over them.....that really is something I don't like!!
Enjoy, Vicki x
Monday, 16 April 2012
Day 16.....Flower
A beautiful old fashioned rose in the garden at Kyneton.....My Aunt is a huge lover of roses, as am I, so it was a no brainer that this was the flower I was going to photograph....Pretty isn't it?
Sunday, 15 April 2012
April Photo A Day....Days 13, 14 and 15
Day 13 .... Something You Found. I've been away for a couple of days so I'm a bit delayed....Something I found.....was the sunniest spot in the house to sit and do a bit of crochet.
Day 14....How You Feel Today....I woke up on Saturday to a couple of emails that for some reason or another had me feeling a little bit like a psycho killer!!! After a wander around a yarn and fabric shop and a coffee in Piper Street, Kyneton, I came home happy as a daisy.
Day 15....Sunset. This was the sunset taken at Kyneton on Saturday evening....the light in the country is so different to the city.
enjoy Vicki
Saturday, 14 April 2012
Apologies for no April photos a day for yesterday and today...I'm away in the country and I've forgotten to bring my camera cord so can't transfer any assured I will catch up when I return to Melbourne. Enjoy your weekend everyone.
vicki x
Thursday, 12 April 2012
Day 12.....Stairs
I went to the South Melbourne Commons today for lunch with my cousin Stephanie and her daughter Daphne....It was such a perfect Autumn day and we sat outside in the sunshine....These are the stairs into the building, bathed in beautiful dappled sunlight.
If you are in Melbourne, this really is just a delightful place for a meal or coffee and a lovely play area for kids. I have cheated today and popped a couple of extra photos in for those that may be interested.
Enjoy Vicki
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
Day 11....Where You Ate Breakfast
This morning it was standing up at the kitchen sink....pot of tea, and a Carmen's Muesli Bar. Not something I normally eat for breakfast.....haven't done any grocery shopping, no bread for toast, couldn't be bothered with porridge and no time....lots to do this morning. Have a good day.
vicki x
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
Day 10......Cold
April photo a day moves into day 10.....Cold, and yes it was today. After a couple of warm days pre Easter, the chill has set into the air around these parts....I walked to the letter box this morning past one of my favourite little shops. The bright colourful umbrella out front made me think how grey, miserable and cold Melbourne can become over Winter.
Vicki x
Monday, 9 April 2012
A Younger You.......Day 9
A younger me.....gosh that got me thinking. Not that many photos of me around really. This is a family photo of my younger brother, myself, Mum and her husband. I believe we were at a family wedding if my memory serves me well....maybe around 1996, so I would have been around 28ish....check out my super short, brown hair....I did love that haircut, and I've been toying with getting my hair coloured back to dark....What do you think, blonde or brunette?
vicki x
Sunday, 8 April 2012
Blog Babies & Their Dimples.....
I really have been incredibly lucky here at dover & madden, great photographers working my hats, a few dover & madden items in magazines and fingers crossed another selection of hats coming out in a May edition of a baby magazine and some of the best promotion I could ever get.......Blog babies.....little babies being born to Mummy bloggers who in my opinion have great taste and want to put their little ones in dover & madden retro inspired hats....and babies in knits, there really is nothing cuter.
Anna from Rummey Bears was the first to discover dover & madden. She commissioned me to make a couple of items for her daughter Rosie and when the Dimple Hat was made, she took one instantly and Rosie just looked so damn cute in it, that I still use those photos today. Anna was also the creative brain behind the dover & madden logo.
Poet from Che and Fidel is the second little blog baby to have a Dimple Hat, Her Mum Jodi purchased a little Dimple Hat for a trip to Tasmania....again a yellowish colour like Baby Rosie, and how adorable does she look.
Lastly is newborn Baby Josephine, her Mum is Nell and she writes the blog On The First Day of Marriage. She to purchased a Dimple Hat last August, and Josephine was seen on a post last week tucked up in her pram as the UK weather turned chilly again looking snug in her red Dimple Hat.
So there you have it, blog babies....these little bubs are really like little trend setters. Their Mums all have an amazing knack to kit out their little ones in modern and vintage and make them look super cute.
Make sure you check out their blogs as there is some super reading to be had. Nell also has her own little knit store on Etsy and you can find it here.
Enjoy, Vicki x
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