Sunday 25 May 2014


Sunday.   It's so nice to wake up to a little bit of rain.  We're still receiving unseasonal warm weather here in Melbourne......and I'm talking T-Shirts and in some cases shorts (not me of course)......This week so the weather report says, should see Winter finally kick in, and I for one can't wait. 

Sorry it's been so un-newsworthy around these parts.  I've settled into the routine of my new full time job, and to say I've been mentally shattered is an understatement.  At the moment we're doing theory and my brain has gone into melt down.  Overloaded with information all in a good way, but in my mid-40's and not having done any real study since High School, I'm finding it hard to find my focus, therefore when I get home in the evening I'm reading, re-reading and re-reading again and again.

In between I'm trying to do some orders.....weekends for the time being have become quite precious, it's the only time that allows me to get my knit sticks out and I miss it......after being at home unemployed for 12 weeks, I've realised that I didn't make that good a use of my time......kicking myself now.

It's 9am on a Sunday morning as I write this job for today.  2 hat orders to complete, an hour of study and a clean kitchen.  Better get to it.

My posts are going to become a little less frequent for the next month or so, whilst my further 5 weeks of study that stage I'm sure I'll be itching for some creative woolly crochet business.

Thanks for stopping by.

Take care



  1. I wish you all the best Vicki !!!!!
    xxxxxxx Ale

  2. Do hope you find time to relax with your knit sticks! And those poles supporting the wires in the photograph have such pretty curls (ha, do you like my technical know-how for such things! I'm sure you'll know the correct tram related vocabulary!)

    1. I must say there hasn't been much relaxing time at all....lots of study and lots of early nights. I never expected I would be this exhausted!!.....Aren't the poles beautiful.....I think they're just poles that hold up the trolley wires.....which are made of copper, and the cross wires they're made of steel and some are parafil....How about that for knowledge, wouldn't have known that 3 weeks ago!


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