Sunday 7 June 2015


Can't believe that I have been at my full time job for 12 months.  It really does seem like yesterday when I started.  I am on annual leave at the moment, all 38 blissful days.....I decided not to go away this year, so 5.5 weeks at home is quite challenging but I have managed to fill in the first 3 weeks quite easily.

Cooking, cleaning, knitting, coffee with friends, dinner with friends, catching up with family both in the country and by the sea, going to see my football team play, exercising, sleeping.....lots and lots of sleeping, shopping.....lots of shopping, pattern writing and just generally enjoying not working.

I've put together a whole bunch of photos I've taken whilst on hols, some on my DSLR, some on my phone, some snatched from my Instagram account, some snatched from others on Facebook.....thank you Lamb Loves Fox and thank you Kris.

And if you are waiting patiently for Purdey pattern to come along.....your wait is going to be a little longer.  Kris who does all my desk top publishing for all of my patterns, had an early arrival.  Welcome to the world Pippa Mae.  Purdey has been put back till Kris is ready, and I think this little bundle of gorgeousness is a valid excuse, don't you?

Victoria x