Friday 27 April 2012

Cardigan Capers

12 months or so ago I started a cardigan for Anna over at Rummey was to be for her daughter Rosie who was one....well 12 months on it's finished and Rosie has just turned two, so a little frogging was involved.  The cardigan has been knitted for a two year old, so it will fit!! 

Anna came up with design and the colours of the cardigan herself, I just did the labour and covered the cost of the yarn.  The cardigan was an exchange for Anna designing my dover & madden logo. 

I am going to do a separate post on pricing, because it has been a while since I knitted a full garment....even child size and it really surprised me how long this item took.

Anyway I did take some pictures along the way. 

The cardigan once sewn together was given a final blocking and then Ta Dah.....beautifully soft, and in a pefect shape ready to post and then ready for little Rosie to wear.

I can't wait to see Rosie wearing this.

Vicki x


  1. great job vicki! I am always surprised when I cost time in a job... usually labours of love!


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