Sunday 5 May 2013

Richard Armitage Re-Visited

For those that have popped by previously here are a few more images from the Q&A in Sydney on May 1st...I managed to get some extra images off my friends phone and my phone....excuse the poor quality.....As well as these pics I did manage to find 3 even poorer images from my phone (had to b&w them to make them visible) of RA's rather quick exit across the room and I did feel the breeze as he was whisked past. 

Vicki x


  1. I love candid shots. :D

    The woman preceding him looked like a slim Philippa Boyens at first, but on second look, it appears to be someone else.

    1. I agree I think it was....the look on his face as a group of women leaving their seats from the front section colliding with him as he came back out through that door was priceless...the look on his PR person was even better. Glad to see he got across the room unharmed!!

  2. Replies
    1. You're appears that a lot of people have popped by this page on your advice, so thank you that was very kind. Vic x

  3. Great pics, thanks a lot for sharing it with us. :-)

    Unfortunately, Switzerland was a little to far form Sydney...

  4. Thank you for sharing the exit pics with us all!

    1. You're welcome....right place at the right time....I stood up and turned around to pick up my bag, to leave....(we didn't stay for the movie only the Q&A) and there was this manic panic at the door, I had my phone out and just snapped these quite quickly. It was all rather quick and all rather funny...he was whisked across the theatre and out the exit door on the opposite side. Vic x

  5. Phwoar. Mr. Thornton in the flesh.

    1. Yes indeedy.....and he appears to be just as scrumptious in real life as on screen....and very tall! V x

  6. Hi. Would it be okay to share some of these exit photos with the fans on tumblr? I would of course give you proper credit and link your blog as well. If not I understand. I just wanted to ask incase :)

    1. No problems at all, and I really appreciate you asking. Kindest and thanks Vicki

    2. Thank you so much :) So glad I ran into your blog. You have a new follower here on my part! XD


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment, They are all read and very much appreciated. Except for spam, they're reported to blogger and google+ Vicki x