Monday 14 October 2013

KIA......Knitting in Action

Sorry about being absent for a little longer than planned, but I've been knitting like a mad woman......I decided to take on some custom work, the last for 2013, and boy oh boy, suffice to say I've got a lot of orders.

It has been nice to sit back and just get on with the orders......Unfortunately my knitting seems to be in sync with my casual day job.  My day job has been quiet since July, but Murphy's Law,  I take some orders and day job kicks into overdrive and I'm going to be required 40+ hours per week right through to Christmas more or less.

Suffice to say that all spare time is now dedicated to knitting, so there isn't much other news.....orders have been heading out to Norway, Germany, Sweden, France, US, UK and I have the biggest bunch of orders from my nearest and dearest customers right here in Australia.

My Etsy store is open for a bit longer, I'll take a few more orders, I'm also working on another pixie hat for boys and girls, and I managed to get a third row done of my big coloured hexie.

Hope all is well in your part of the world, and I should say thank you to everyone that leaves a comment, I read them all and try to reply to as many as I can when time permits. You'll also notice I've been slowly adding to my blog roll on the side of this page.  So many blogs appear in my stats, so I've been sharing them with others, so much woolly love floating around the world.

Anyway plenty to do today, it's my one day off this week.


  1. Such a pretty color Vicki! What are you knitting?

    1. New little moss stitch pixie hat Sue, coming soon! matches the quilt just perfectly!! Vx

  2. Oh my it sounds like you're quite a busy lady! Can't wait to see some more pictures of everything you're getting accomplished! Also love that yarn, what is it? Beautiful colour!

    - J

    1. Truth be told I'm not sure if this yarn is Debbie Bliss Rialto, Sublime or Zara by Filatura Di unlabeled ball in my stash!!

  3. Lovely knitting on top of your fabulous quilt. Hope you can manage it all with some sanity left over by Christmas...

    1. Thanks Jen....I plan on taking from Christmas through January off, lets hope that happens. Vx

  4. Dreamy moss stitch! And such a beautiful colour... good luck with all the orders

  5. Wow, you are very busy at the moment! Good luck with keeping up with everything! Oh, and what yarn are you using? It looks lovely knit up!

    1. Hi, I'm pretty sure it's Debbie Bliss Rialto DK, great yarn, one of my favourites. Vx


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