Tuesday 6 November 2012

Missing in Action....

Hi All, sorry I've let things slide here for a week or so, I always try and post once a week, but it hasn't been the best couple of weeks.

My dear Aunt Anne died....I won't go into why or how, but suffice to say, I feel like I've been on a roller coaster for the last 12 days or so.....its emotionally thrown me for six and add in a second bout of flu that came on a few days ago, I look and feel like a mess really.  Some good food and a little exercise might just make a bit of sense right about now.

I've been finishing off some bootie orders, don't forget you can make your own, you'll find the pattern here....You can also check out my Ravelry page here and some of the projects I've completed, and feel free to become a friend on Ravelry, I do forget about that part of Raverly all the time.

Some exciting news that I'm going to share with you....I'm going to be selling my knitting patterns....I've decided that it is long overdue, and I do get asked again and again if I would be willing to sell them....so I'm slowly working on the first hat to sell.  I'll be selling them on Etsy and Ravelry, and this blog will probably become more of a tutorial type thing, as I slowly turn away from the knitting side and go to the design side of things.  It's going to be a slow process, but in the end a satisfying one....I'll keep you updated.

So let me know....Would you buy a dover & madden hat pattern and make your own?

Vic x


  1. yes! you will finally sell your patterns....i long to be able to knit the dimples hat, the new lacy type one that you have recently done, and your crochet blankets...yay. cant wait to buy! thanks vicki. shelley

  2. Hi Shelley, I'll have a blog post about the Dimple Hat here hopefully next week as that pattern isn't mine, I found it in an old magazine at a garage sale. I am more than happy to link to type it up here next week....All my original patterns will eventually go up for sale, and the little pink lace bonett that I made a couple of weeks back will be the first. Stay tuned..the first hat is still a few months away....bit of work to do writing out my patterns...I know them back to front but I have to make someone else understand my notes!! vic x

  3. awesome thank you for sharing the dimple pattern, look forward to it :)so glad you are selling your originals...you are really clever and i think this is a good move. shelley

  4. I am sorry for all the difficult times you've been having :(

    Oh the dimple hat would be great! I found something similar on Ravelry but couldn't for the life of me figure out the whole "ravel down" thing - I need a tutorial!! I also love Ava, Camilla and Dottie... oh hell, who am I kidding I love all of them! I hope moving to design will give you some more time to yourself - I am always in awe of the ridiculous amount of time, love and effort you put into each of your pieces and yet charge so little.

    Do take care of yourself first and foremost, always xx

    1. Thanks Amanda, I've noticed there are quite a few businesses who have managed to find the Dimple Hat (my name for it) pattern...I originally came across my pattern in a garage sale find. When I've got a few spare moments next week, I'll do the tutorial for you all with photos...if you can knit and purl you'll have this one in the bag...I'll also give you the hints and tips for changing the size...making them larger and smaller.....But all my patterns, Lola, New Willow (now Little Acorn), RIO, Cash, Emmett, Clover, Lumiere, Bear, Ava, Hoodie and a re-vamped Hilary will all slowly be released...and then I can just concentrate on new hats and I'll still continue on with making crochet blankets....it's probably a blog post really!!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment, They are all read and very much appreciated. Except for spam, they're reported to blogger and google+ Vicki x