Tuesday 3 January 2012

Cat on a Hot Tiled Floor

It's been stinking hot here in Melbourne for the last few days. We are officially in Summer but the days had been beautiful and mild around 25c/77f......and in the space of a few days we've jumped to 40c/108f and I think it has thrown everyone for six.....we're into our third day of above 35c/99f temperatures....I hate the hot weather....and so does Audrey the super cat.

I really feel for furry animals on hot days, although Audrey has a knack of finding the coolest place to lie....yesterday I had the back door open slightly on the chain and she just lolled around there all day....just lying with the tiniest little breeze filtering through the door and under the door....she doesn't go outside, she's an indoor cat and I'm sure in her little head yesterday, she was very thankful for that.

Some things you should know about Audrey....She's a deliciously fat British Shorthair and she is about 16yrs of age.  She likes chewing plastic, fresh laundry, lying on knitting patterns, corn on the cob and ham.

She hates vacuum cleaners, other cats, fish flavoured cat food, rain and Coronation Street.

Day 3.

Vicki x

1 comment:

  1. oh she's just gorgeous! and love her likes and dislikes :)


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